A friend and I were approached by a man, who was spreading the word of God, he was Christian. I personally don't favor that religion, I have my own religion, Wicca. Though I allowed this man to approach me, at first I didn't mind, I am very accepting of different varieties of point of views, beliefs, and religions. As long as you don't judge me or try to change me I don't mind. When he asked me what my religion was, I said, "Wicca". At first he seemed respectful enough, he didn't condemn me to hell or fire up the stake, there was no torches either, he said he had a friend who was also Wiccan. Though as we continued to converse, I could tell he was pushing it. He wasn't rude, though he was beginning to lean towards being a "pusher". He thanked me for not being rude either. I let him know that I'm very open to people's point of views. Though I can think of a few friends who wouldn't have been so tolerant and patient. My friend whom was sitting next to me, wasn't really paying attention, but that's just her, she didn't really want to talk to him. She also made it clear that she was an Atheist. We went on a debate me and her on how she couldn't believe in anything. As we continued to converse the man started telling me to think about it. As in think about converting? See I knew this would happen. I told him nicely that I believe in balance, nature, in a god and goddess. I believe in equals. He then told me something that made me re-think my patience and tolerance "The Devil created different religions to distract you from the true path." I stayed quiet for a moment, keeping my cool. Though something in my posture must have given away something because a man that was also there listening told him, "Well I think they've heard enough for now, just let them think it over." The man preaching at me had gotten closer than he was before, almost in my face, so maybe that also gave way. The man, who had been telling me all about God, said "Hey, I'm just trying to spread the word, I want you to find your way." Then said something around the lines of 'Because the day is coming, and you have to think about the after life, about going to heaven. I'm good I'm already saved.' This man had resorted to the fear tactic. See, no offense to any Christians out there, this is why I avoid talking to most Christians. I just can't, there's no way to reason with them. they believe its just their word that counts. That's so unfair. Again, no offense intended honestly, and I know not all Christians are like this, but don't lie and say you don't know at least one who has behaved in this manner?
Religion just seems to be everywhere lately, what I mean is it has been popping out more to me. Maybe since I'm studying World History right now and we're learning about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Which I'm really impressed, a little insight goes a long way. I really enjoy my History class. My professor is great too! A couple weeks ago we were going around the class sharing five primary resources, that we personally feel identify us. I came up with my five, which were: My journals, my ipod, my pooh bear(don't judge me!), a picture of my great grandparents, and a business card from a witch craft store. When I went on to explain and I said I was Wiccan, I could just feel the eyes in the room looking at me with oddness ?and the vibes in general were off. Though my professor was totally cool, and nodded saying she knows of the religion, totally nonchalant, the girl next to me faked being in fear then laughed it off. I thought it was so amazing how you can just be open and not be judged. The girl that was next to me is Jewish, she had just finished telling me the signification of her rings, and how important being a Jew is to her. I could tell that her faith, her religion mattered to her, honestly that was so refreshing. I love diversity, I love it more when people are so open and accepting. I love learning about different religions and gaining insight from others on their beliefs, it truly is just so fascinating. Yet there are still those who insist in trying to sway you into their religion. I say whether you believe or don't believe, as long as you believe in doing good, and spreading only good and positiveness, that's all that matters. Be good. Stay true.
Blessed be.